It is not enough to have well-trained staff looking after your receivables portfolio. It is also necessary to have first-class portfolio management protocols that deal with matters over and above communications with clients.
Best practices portfolio management addresses such matters as pace, frequency, yield, graduated (diplomatic) firmness on broken client promises, diarizing, cash velocity, yield measurement, and much more. Are these key components addressed now?
Contact us to discuss a free, no-obligation review of your current portfolio management, and potential improvements that will pay for themselves by increased cash velocity, dramatically reduced write-offs, and often a reduction in overhead.
Best practices portfolio management addresses such matters as pace, frequency, yield, graduated (diplomatic) firmness on broken client promises, diarizing, cash velocity, yield measurement, and much more. Are these key components addressed now?
Contact us to discuss a free, no-obligation review of your current portfolio management, and potential improvements that will pay for themselves by increased cash velocity, dramatically reduced write-offs, and often a reduction in overhead.