Any company, regardless of the product or service, benefits immensely from having well-trained accounts receivable staff, with ingrained understanding of the critical components that provide consistency in timely payments. Such knowledge is also crucial for partners, who often just “hope for the best”, while relying only on statements every month, which are often ignored by clients.
Our training programs recognize that by introducing gradual, carefully deployed, and effective protocols specifically designed for accounting firms of any size, the client base come to understand that your expectations have changed, and begin to pay your invoices in a timely manner. These protocols cover all aspects of the Receivables Management process, covering effective notices, e-mails, and telephone call contacts that are psychology-based and achieve the core objectives – getting paid in a timely manner for work done in good faith.
Whether your firm is a one-accountant operation, or has multiple partners along with support staff who look after the receivables portfolio, you will see far superior results in your own Balance Sheet once modern practices are introduced in this key are of your practice.